Friday, 1 October 2010

The start of an era!

Welcome to my very first blog, 'And Then There Were 3!'. As of January this year my husband and I became the very proud parents of our beautiful baby girl 'L'. This is my general diary of my new life as a full time Mummy and all that it entails.
My husband and I got married in 2008 after 7 and a half years together (we're not ones for jumping the gun!) and soon after made the exciting/scary/life changing decision to turn our 2 into a 3. This was the biggest decision we had ever made. Before this the only things we had to decide on were, 'Stay in or go out?', 'Chinese or Indian?', 'Heels or flats?' (ok that last one was just me but you get the picture), and now we were ready for more. So, spot on her due date along came our girl, our new best friend, all 6 pound 12 of her!
                            And then there were 3!

Now our 'L' is 8 months old, babbling and cooing, giving cheeky giggles and toothy smiles that melt my heart. The sleepless nights have subsided as have the dark circles, (shame the same can't be said for my wobbly bits!) and she is blossoming by the minute!
I hope you enjoy my tales of being a new Mummy and the adventures this is sure to bring. And, contrary to the saying, three is definitely not a crowd, its the magic number.

Melissa x


  1. And what a 3!!Can't wait to read more xxxx

  2. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! Can't wait to hear more. Lovely pic too xx

  3. PS I didn't know who the Griswalds were - Chris has just filled me in!
